
River Lights Attracted Thousands to Mannum

August 14, 2023 6:33 am in by
Affinity by Amigo and Amigo / Photo Credit: Illuminate Adelaide

Thousands of visitors flocked to Mannum for the regional installation of Illuminate Adelaide.

Local businesses heralded ‘River Lights’ event a success, reporting the 10-day event resulted in a significant boost in visitation and spend.

The State Government’s investment in the region aimed to drive recovery in a community hit hard by the River Murray floods.

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Mid Murray Mayor Simone Bailey said the event has been spectacular for Mannum and the region.

“The light installations have helped in bringing the historic main street to life again…the atmosphere in the Main Street has been amazing for the last 10 days,” Mayor Simone Bailey said.

The Mayor said she is grateful for the support from visitors and the State Government and has received positive feedback from businesses and the community.

“It has been great to see so many visitors returning to the Mid Murray area to support us, and as we head into the spring and summer peak season over coming months, we hope to see many more people returning to the river and the broader region to assist with our recovery.”
