Opens on Saturday March 16th.
The first Palmer Sculpture Biennial was held in 2004, and since then has gained an impressive reputation both locally and internationally. The event is now one of the longest, continually running sculpture exhibitions in Australia. People who have experienced past biennials now make a point of returning.
The biennial is run by the artists, and rather than aiming to show many works, the emphasis is on quality, artistic merit, and the way they interact with an Australian environment. A high priority is that visitors should be able to engage with both sculpture and place.
The artists include three from interstate, (Cliff Burt from Victoria, Tony Davis from WA and James Orsto from the Tiwi Islands) one from overseas (Karl Chilcott from Sweden) and fifteen South Australians. Amongst their ranks are leading sculptors with widespread reputations as well as exciting visionary newcomers.
The Biennial takes place in a hilly 400-acre property near the township of Palmer on the way to Mannum. Strolling over a rise in a landscape that includes escarpments, rocky outcrops and open countryside and suddenly encountering a striking sculpture is an unforgettable experience. In such a setting, these works have much greater impact than they could achieve in a Gallery.
Biennial Opening Hours – Weekends 11am-5.30pm – Wednesday afternoons 2pm-5.30pm
The Palmer Biennial is a CASH ONLY event. All money raised is distributed to the musicians and to the ongoing restoration of the landscape
The property is 3.5 km down the Davenport Road which starts opposite the Hotel at Palmer on the way to Mannum.