Stirling Players – ‘SYLVIA’
The Stirling Players’ next production, “Sylvia” will hit the stage on Friday September 13th. A canine comedy that will tug at your heart strings. Written by A R Gurney and directed for Stirling by Erik Strauts.
The story involves Sylvia, a dog, Greg and Kate, the couple who adopt her, and the comedy that results. The setting is New York. The time is now.
Middle aged Greg is tired of his job in finance and looking for meaning in his life. Sylvia is an exuberant and cheeky stray dog who is looking for a new home. And when the two meet in Central Park, it is love at first sight. Greg takes her home to the apartment he shares with wife Kate.
Kate is not as thrilled with this ‘loveable’ canine that jumps, slobbers, and cheekily sits herself on the couch. Right now Kate’s career is taking off and she does not need a Sylvia in her life! She agrees to give the dog a trial for a few days.
Sylvia stays and becomes part of their life. Hilarious and touching complications result……..!.
The Stirling Players have pulled together a talented team of volunteer actors and production crew members from across Adelaide and the Hills to stage this entertaining show at the beautiful Stirling Community Theatre.
The season runs for 3 weeks from September 13th -28th. The new 3pm time-slot for Saturday and Sunday matinees allows patrons to enjoy a meal before or after the show and enjoy the beauty of the Adelaide Hills.
Visit the Stirling Players website for more information and/or buy tickets-at www.stirlingplayers.org.au
or book directly at www.trybooking.com/CSCYC
or by phone at 0488 746 951