Prepare for Extreme Weather Workshop
With extreme weather becoming more frequent and severe, Mount Barker residents can attend a
free Australian Red Cross EmergencyRedi™ Workshop offered by NRMA Insurance and Australian
Red Cross at Mt Barker Community Centre, 3 Dumas St, Mount Barker on Wednesday, 24 July at
6:00PM to learn about how to prepare for an emergency and their local weather risks.
Residents can register to attend at nrma.com.au/helpnation.
Research from NRMA Insurance shows a need for greater emergency preparedness as nearly 1 in 3
Australians (32%) do not have a good understanding of extreme weather risks in their local area and
nearly half (48%) do not know what steps they need to take to prepare for an extreme weather
emergency. Additionally, only 26% of Australians have an emergency plan to help them respond to
an extreme weather event.
Workshop participants will learn about their local risks and be equipped with the knowledge and tools
to prepare for future emergencies. All attendees will build their own award-winning Australian Red
Cross emergency RediPlan which includes key contacts, meeting places, animal plans, key
documents, special items, medical information and stress management strategies. All your vital
information in one emergency plan.
The workshop expansion forms part of Help Nation, an initiative created by NRMA Insurance to unite
people, communities and organisations across Australia to get prepared and know their local risks.
NRMA Insurance and Australian Red Cross are partnering to expand the delivery of Australian Red
Cross EmergencyRedi™ Workshops, delivering thousands of free workshops over the next three
years. This will help tens of thousands of Australians get prepared for all types of emergencies,
including extreme weather events.
To register for the Australian Red Cross EmergencyRedi™ workshop and learn more about how to
get prepared for extreme weather, visit nrma.com.au/helpnation.